What If?
It's my 1st one shot fanfic.
Dear Diary,
I can't sleep I have so much on my mind that I need to get out. What if in 1st year herbology, Peter Pettigrew was killed by the screams of an adult mandrake. That would explain why Neville was just knocked out in his first year. That would explain why they only used young ones then and it would also mean Peter didn't betray the Potter's because he was dead a decade prior. So as we later learned the alternative "Chosen One" was Neville. Harry wouldn't be an orphan and would never of been abused in any way. Though his parents would mostly likely been in the mental wing of the wizarding hospital, Sirius could raise him as they intended. Sirius having not gone after Peter would never of been falsely imprisoned and could raise Harry with love. Lupin could keep him from getting into too much trouble.
Neville would still be living with his grandmother but perhaps a stronger man for being the choosen one. No embarrassment because he would of been famous. I doubt he would get a swelled head over it and he would make more sence as a Gryffindor! No trying to hide information about his parents because they wouldn't been insane survivors, they would of died as heroes. I'm pretty sure both boys would be better off. Would Harry and Ron been part part of the trio who dealt with all hogwarts mayhem. They would lack the brain power of a female. Then Ron may never of married. Also would I of been married, I met my husband because being raised by muggles he didn't know how to get on the platform, I had a crush on him cause he was famous. However being Gryffindors we obviously would of known each other.
Would the maurauders map have existed without the rat being able to fit threw all the little crevaces to find hidden pathways? After James was insane Sirius would of likely kept the Invisability Cloak until Harry was 11 then given it too him with the map if it still existed. Merlins Beard it's getting late I think getting this out on paper should allow me to sleep. I need to get up early tomarrow to get James ready for his first day at Hogwarts!
Love, Ginny
Brandi's FanFics